goodbye, cruel world

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goodbye, cruel world

cliché An exclamation, note, or statement made immediately prior to one's death, especially by suicide. We felt as though we never had closure after Tom committed suicide. We never even knew he was contemplating taking his own life, and his note merely said "Goodbye, cruel world." The gunslinger lay on the ground, bleeding into the dust. "Goodbye, cruel world," he gasped with his last breath. And with that, he perished.
See also: cruel, world

Common Names:

Veceslav-Medieval Czech
Natille-English (Rare)
CarylKER-əl, KAR-əlEnglish
NorbertNAWR-bert (German, Polish), NAWR-bərt (English, Dutch)German, English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Polish, Ancient Germanic
Allanaə-LAN-əEnglish (Rare)