goose egg

goose egg

1. Fig. a raised bump on the skull as when one's head has been struck. I walked into the edge of the door and got a terrible goose egg.
2. Fig. in a sports score, zero. At the end of the game there was nothing but goose eggs next to our name.
See also: egg, goose

goose egg

Zero, nothing, especially a score of zero. For example, Our team did badly, earning goose egg, or My income from writing this year was goose egg. This expression is an Americanization of the earlier British duck's egg. [Mid-1800s]
See also: egg, goose

goose egg

1. n. a score of zero. We got a goose egg in the second inning.
2. n. a bump on the head. I walked into a door and got a big goose egg on my forehead.
3. n. a failure; a zero. (Similar to sense 1) The result of three weeks’ planning is one big goose egg.
See also: egg, goose

Common Names:

Alba (3)-Ancient Germanic
Malik (2)-Native American, Greenlandic
CloÉklo-E (French)Portuguese, French