half a mind

half a mind

A moderate, irresolute, or indefinite inclination or intention. My flight home was so terrible, I have half a mind to write a letter to the airline company and complain. We set out on the road with only half a mind as to where we would go!
See also: half, mind

half a mind

An inclination that is not definite or resolute. For example, I've half a mind to drop the course, or He went out with half a mind to walk all the way there. [First half of 1700s] Also see have a good mind to.
See also: half, mind

Common Names:

HailieHAY-leeEnglish (Modern)
Asha (2)-Eastern African, Swahili
Ken (1)KENEnglish
Persephonepər-SEF-ə-nee (English)Greek Mythology
Sarra-Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Old Church Slavic