happy as a clam

*happy as a clam (at high tide)

 and *happy as a clam (in butter sauce); *happy as a lark; *happy as can be
contented; very happy. (*Also: as ~.) I've been as happy as a clam since I moved to the country. I don't need much. Just somewhere to live, some work to do, and a TV to watch, and I'm happy as a clam at high tide. Matthew was happy as a lark throughout his whole vacation. Bob was happy as can be when he won the lottery.
See also: clam, happy

(as) happy as a clam

very happy I am happy as a clam living all by myself in this little house by the sea.
Etymology: based on the full form of the phrase happy as a clam in mud at high tide (a clam that cannot be dug up and eaten, which therefore could be considered happy)
See also: clam, happy

Common Names:

Beatrizbe-ah-TREETH (Spanish), be-ah-TREES (Latin American Spanish), be-a-TREES (Portuguese), be-a-TREESH (Portuguese)Spanish, Portuguese
Ezekias-Biblical Greek
KiplingKIP-lingEnglish (Rare)