have an ax to grind

have an ax(e) to grind

Fig. to have something to complain about. Tom, I need to talk to you. I have an ax to grind. Bill and Bob went into the other room to argue. They had an axe to grind.
See also: ax, grind, have

have an ax to grind

also have an axe to grind
1. to have a selfish reason for saying or doing something The best reporting is done by people who don't have an ax to grind. After you get the same complaints from a number of people, you begin to think it may not be just people who have personal axes to grind.
2. to have a strong opinion about something that influences your actions I don't have an ax to grind about the fact that Christmas has become commercialized.
See also: ax, grind, have

Common Names:

Alfarr-Ancient Scandinavian
Aoide-Greek Mythology
HaraldHAH-rahlt (German)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German