heart bleeds

your heart bleeds (for somebody)

you feel sadness and sympathy for someone When my little girl cries in the night, my heart bleeds.
See also: bleed, heart

your heart bleeds

if your heart bleeds for someone who is in trouble, you feel sadness and sympathy for them
Usage notes: This phrase is often used humorously to mean the opposite.
(often + for ) My heart bleeds for the poor children caught up in the fighting. Brenda can't afford another diamond necklace? My heart bleeds!
See also: bleed, heart

Common Names:

Tushar-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati
Sameer (1)-Arabic
EibhlÍNie-LEEN, IE-leen, EV-leen, EV-e-leen, AYV-leenIrish
Shelena-African American (Rare)