in pocket

in somebody's pocket

also in the pocket of somebody/something
under someone's control and influence Industry leaders made the mistake of assuming they had the chairman in their pocket.
See also: pocket

in pocket

Having funds; also, having a particular amount of extra funds that constitute a profit. For example, Tom's in pocket this week so let him treat us all, or After a day at the races she was a hundred dollars in pocket. [Mid-1700s] Also see in one's pocket.
See also: pocket

in (one's) pocket

In one's power, influence, or possession: The defendant had the jury in his pocket.
See also: pocket

in pocket

1. Having funds.
2. Having gained or retained funds of a specified amount: was a hundred dollars in pocket after a day at the races.
See also: pocket

Common Names:

Raquelrah-KEL (Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese, English
CÉIbhfhionn-Irish Mythology
Merit (1)MER-itEnglish (Rare)