is at disposal

somebody is at your disposal

someone is available to help you I know there is plenty of work to do, so my daughter is at your disposal.
See also: disposal

something is at your disposal

something is available to be used by you The committee has limited resources at its disposal. We have $100,000 at our disposal to provide food for homeless people.
Usage notes: sometimes used in the form at the disposal of someone: More powerful guns are at the disposal of criminals than ever before.
See also: disposal

Common Names:

PerseusPUR-see-əs (English)Greek Mythology
Ylva-Swedish, Norwegian
Veronikavye-rah-NEE-kah (Russian), vee-rah-NEE-kah (Russian), ve-RO-nee-kah (German, Croatian)Russian, Czech, Slovak, German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovene, Croatian, Macedonian, Swedish, Norweg
Sergeisyer-GYAY (Russian), seer-GYAY (Russian)Russian, Bulgarian