lap up

lap something up

1. Lit. [for an animal] to lick something up. The dog lapped the ice cream up off the floor. The dog lapped up the ice cream.
2. Fig. [for someone] to accept or believe something with enthusiasm. Of course, they believed it. They just lapped it up. They lapped up the lies without questioning anything.
See also: lap, up

lap up something

also lap something up
1. to enjoy something very much My dogs lap up whatever attention I can give them. Related vocabulary: eat it up
2. to believe what is said or written without knowing or caring if it is true Even if you're lying, there's always someone who will lap it up because most people want to believe you.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of lap up (to eat with great enthusiasm)
See also: lap, up

lap up

Take in or receive very eagerly, as in She loves to travel-she just laps it up, or The agency is lapping up whatever information their spies send in. This expression alludes to an animal drinking greedily. [Late 1800s]
See also: lap, up

lap up

1. To eat or drink something completely by licking: The kitten lapped up the milk in the saucer. The cat lapped the water up.
2. To receive something eagerly or greedily: The author lapped up the audience's praise. The runner lapped the medals up at the banquet.
See also: lap, up

Common Names:

Minervami-NUR-və (English)Roman Mythology, English