lose it

lose it

1. Sl. to empty one's stomach; to vomit. Oh, God! I think I'm going to lose it! Go lose it in the bushes.
2. Sl. to get angry; to lose one's temper. It was too much for him. Ted lost it. I sat there calmly, biting my lip to keep from losing it.
See also: lose

lose it

to become very angry He was afraid he was going to lose it, so he cut the meeting short.
Related vocabulary: lose your/its grip
See also: lose

lose it

1. tv. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. (Collegiate.) Oh, God! I think I’m going to lose it!
2. tv. to get angry; to lose one’s temper; lose control. I sat there calmly, biting my lip to keep from losing it.
See also: lose

lose it

1. To become very angry or emotionally upset.
2. To become deranged or mentally disturbed.
3. To become less capable or proficient; decline: He can still play tennis well. He hasn't lost it yet.
See also: lose

Common Names:

Renatus-Late Roman
Henrietteawn-ree-ET (French), hen-ree-E-tə (German), hen-ree-ED-de (Danish), hen-ree-ET-te (Norwegian)French, German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian
Chijindum-Western African, Igbo
AmenAH-mun (English)Egyptian Mythology (Anglicized)