make like

make like

To behave as if; to pretend or make it appear that. Mark's boyfriend always makes like he cares deeply about other people's problems, but he's never willing to actually help. Samantha's been making like she's writing the next great American novel, but it's just some trashy thriller.
See also: like, make

make like someone or something

to act like someone or something. Why don't you make like a bunny and run away? Beat it! Would you please make like a butler and hold the door open for me?
See also: like, make

make (out) like something

Rur. to pretend something. Let's make out like we're cowboys and Indians. Joe made out like he had a lot of money, and folks believed him.
See also: like, make

Common Names:

Slava-Russian, Slovene, Croatian
TimTIM (English, German, Dutch, Slovene)English, German, Dutch, Slovene, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Fearchar-Irish, Scottish
Deliciadə-LISH-əEnglish (Rare)
Gumarich-Ancient Germanic