nose into (something)

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nose into (something)

To investigate something; to try to find information about something, especially private, secret, or sensitive matters. The last thing we need right now are tax auditors nosing into our accounts. You really need to stop nosing into other people's affairs, or you're going to start losing friends.
See also: nose

Common Names:

Anaiah-Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
AdolphAD-ahlf, AY-dahlfEnglish
SonjaZAWN-yah (German), SON-yah (Finnish)German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Finnish, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonia
Victoriavik-TAWR-ee-ə (English), vik-TO-ree-ah (German)English, Spanish, Romanian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Late Roman, Roman Mythology