on case

*on someone's case

 and *on someone's back
Inf. harassing someone about a personal problem; annoying someone. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; keep ~.) I'll get on Tom's case about being late so much. I'm sorry, I won't get on your case anymore.
See also: case, on

on somebody's case

telling someone what to do or criticizing what they do You're always on my case about my smoking.
Usage notes: often used with get: Perry had been drinking a lot lately, and Beth started to get on his case.
Related vocabulary: get after somebody
See also: case, on

on (someone's) case

Persistently nagging or urging someone to do something.
See also: case, on

Common Names:

Jayadev-Indian, Kannada
GwenGWENWelsh, English
Minmeen (Korean)Chinese, Korean