on the rebound

on the rebound

1. becoming stronger or better again Wall Street is on the rebound a day after stock prices plunged to new lows. Improved housing and rising rents are both signs of a community on the rebound.
2. recovering from the recent end of a romantic relationship You're a great guy, but I'm still on the rebound and I'm just not ready to start seeing anyone.
See also: on, rebound

on the rebound

unhappy and confused because a close, romantic relationship of yours has recently finished She was on the rebound when she met Jack. Six months after Julia left him, he married someone else on the rebound.
See also: on, rebound

on the rebound

Reacting to or recovering from an unhappy experience, especially the end of a love affair. For example, A month after breaking up with Larry, Jane got engaged to Bob, a classic case of being on the rebound . This metaphoric term, alluding to the bouncing back of a ball, has been used in the present sense since the mid-1800s, although rebound alone had been used figuratively for much longer.
See also: on, rebound

Common Names:

DaleDAY-əl, DAYLEnglish
Drazhan-Medieval Slavic
Evgeniyev-GYE-nee (Russian), eev-GYE-nee (Russian)Bulgarian, Russian