out of season

out of season

1. not now available for sale. Sorry, oysters are out of season. We don't have any. Watermelon is out of season in the winter.
2. Fig. not now legally able to be hunted or caught. Are salmon out of season? I caught a trout out of season and had to pay a fine.
See also: of, out, season

out of season

1. not available fresh locally Asparagus is out of season now and really expensive.
2. at the time of year when something is not popular We like going to beach towns out of season.
3. at the time of year when hunting or fishing is not legal He got fined for killing a deer out of season.
Opposite of: in season
See also: of, out, season

out of season

see under in season.
See also: of, out, season

out of season

1. Not available, permitted, or ready to be eaten, caught, or hunted.
2. Not at the right or proper moment; inopportunely.
See also: of, out, season

Common Names:

KaisaKIE-sah (Finnish)Finnish, Estonian
Lugus-Celtic Mythology
Semyonsye-MYON, see-MYONRussian