pass by

pass by (someone or something)

to move or travel past someone, something, or some place. Please don't pass by me so fast. If you pass by a large white house with a red roof, you have gone too far.
See also: pass

pass someone or something by

to miss someone or something; to overlook someone or something. The storm passed by the town leaving it unharmed. The teacher passed me by and chose the next person in line.
See also: pass

pass by

1. Proceed past something, as in If you pass by a white house, you've gone too far. [c. 1300]
2. Also, pass over. Disregard, overlook, as in Just pass by the first few pages and you'll get to the basics, or Ralph was passed over for promotion. [1300s]
See also: pass

pass by

1. To move or travel past someone or something: You'll pass by many herds of cattle on your trip through the plains. We passed by Toledo on our way to Chicago.
2. To go past someone or something without stopping or acknowl-edging: We waved at the approaching truck, but it passed us by.
3. To move past in time; elapse: Many weeks passed by with no rain.
See also: pass

Common Names:

Keshaun-African American (Modern)
Bent (1)BENTDanish