pat on the back

pat on the back

Praise given to a person for an achievement or a job well done. Treating his daughter to ice cream was Joe's way of giving her a pat on the back after she won first place in the science fair. The only reason she stays late at work is to receive a pat on the back from her boss.
See also: back, on, pat

pat someone on the back

 and give someone a pat on the back 
1. Lit. to pat someone's back to show praise. The coach patted each player on the back after the game.
2. Fig. to praise someone for something. The teacher patted all the students on the back for their good work. They were patting themselves on the back for winning when the final whistle blew.
See also: back, on, pat

pat on the back

A word or gesture of support, approval, or praise, as in The bonus she gave her assistant was a pat on the back for doing a good job. [Early 1800s]
See also: back, on, pat

pat on the back

An expression or gesture of praise or approval: Let's give them a pat on the back for doing a good job.
See also: back, on, pat

Common Names:

Nkiruka-Western African, Igbo
Pantheras-Ancient Greek
Adolfoah-DHOL-fo (Spanish)Italian, Spanish