pearls before swine

pearls before swine

Wasting something that is not appreciated. In Matthew 7:6, Jesus warned his followers not to waste time by throwing pearls of wisdom before ungodly swine. When writers Claire Booth Luce and Dorothy Parker simultaneously arrived at a door, Luce stepped back to allow Parker to precede her by saying with a smile, “Age before beauty.” As she walked through the door, Parker replied, “And pearls before swine.”
See also: before, pearl, swine

Common Names:

Brontes-Greek Mythology
RogerRAH-jər (English), ro-ZHE (French)English, French, Catalan, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch
Slavomir-Croatian, Serbian, Medieval Slavic
Leandrole-AHN-dro (Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese, Italian