perfect storm

perfect storm

A chance or rare combination of individual elements, circumstances, or events that together form a disastrous, catastrophic, or extremely unpleasant problem or difficulty. The incumbent mayor's re-election campaign is getting underway amidst a perfect storm of allegations and news stories about corruption, tax evasion, and racketeering within the city's government. The oil crisis has set off a perfect storm in the Middle East, where foreign leaders have depended on its economic stability to keep their warring countries from absolute chaos and anarchy.
See also: perfect, storm

Common Names:

PacÍFicapah-THEE-fee-kah (Spanish), pah-SEE-fee-kah (Latin American Spanish)Spanish
DeborahDEB-ə-rə (English), DEB-rə (English)English, Hebrew, Biblical
Anacletoah-nah-KLE-to (Italian, Spanish)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese