piece of cake

piece of cake

A very easy task or accomplishment. I thought I was going to fail the test, but it turned out to be a piece of cake!
See also: cake, of, piece

piece of cake

Fig. something easy to do. No problem. When you know what you're doing, it's a piece of cake. Glad to help. It was a piece of cake. Rescuing frightened cats is my specialty. Piece of cake!
See also: cake, of, piece

piece of cake

Something easily accomplished, as in I had no trouble finding your house-a piece of cake. This expression originated in the Royal Air Force in the late 1930s for an easy mission, and the precise reference is as mysterious as that of the simile easy as pie. Possibly it evokes the easy accomplishment of swallowing a slice of sweet dessert.
See also: cake, of, piece

piece of cake

1. n. something easy to do. No problem. When you know what you’re doing, it’s a piece of cake.
2. exclam. It’s a piece of cake!; It’s easy! (Usually Piece of cake!) Rescuing drowning cats is my specialty. Piece of cake!
See also: cake, of, piece

piece of cake

Informal Something very easy to do.
See also: cake, of, piece

Common Names:

Balbus-Ancient Roman
Kristinkris-TEEN (Swedish, German), KRIS-tin (English)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, English