play for keeps

play for keeps

to do things with permanent effect; to be serious in one's actions. (From the game of marbles, where the winner actually keeps all the marbles won.) Are we playing for keeps or can we give everything back at the end of the game? We are playing for keeps, so be careful of what you do.
See also: keep, play

play for keeps

to do something with very serious concern about the results These bargaining sessions are most difficult because both sides are playing for keeps. In many New York publishing houses, softball is played for keeps.
See also: keep, play

play for keeps

  (American & Australian informal)
to do something very seriously and not just for enjoyment These arms dealers play for keeps - they want the best weapons available and will do anything to get them.
See also: keep, play

play for keeps

in. to take serious and permanent actions. (Refers to playing a game where the money won is not returned at the end of the game.) I always play for keeps.
See also: keep, play

Common Names:

Briseis-Greek Mythology
AstaAHS-tah (Swedish, Norwegian)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Anan (1)-Western African, Akan