pull strings

pull (some) strings

 and pull a few strings
to use influence (with someone to get something done). I can get it done easily by pulling a few strings. Is it possible to get anything done around here without pulling some strings?
See also: pull, string

pull strings

to use your influence over important people in order to get something or to help someone I may be able to pull a few strings for you if you need the document urgently.
See also: pull, string

pull strings

to secretly use the influence that you have over important people in order to get something or to help someone I may be able to pull a few strings for you if you need the document urgently.
See also: pull, string

pull strings

Also, pull wires. Use one's influence, as in By pulling strings he got us house seats to the opening, or His father pulled some wires and got him out of jail. Both terms allude to manipulating a marionette. The first dates from the second half of the 1800s, the second from the early 1800s.
See also: pull, string

Common Names:
