right on

right on

exactly right or correct (right) on the money His prediction on the outcome of the elections was right on.
See also: on, right

right on

An exclamation of enthusiasm or encouragement, as in You've said it really well-right on! This interjection has a disputed origin. Some believe it comes from African-American slang (it was recorded in Odum and Johnson's The Negro and His Songs, 1925); others feel it is a shortening of right on target, used by military airmen, or right on cue, theatrical slang for saying the right lines at the right time. [Slang; first half of 1900s] Also see way to go.
See also: on, right

right on

Slang Used as an exclamation of encouragement, support, or enthusiastic agreement.
See also: on, right

Common Names:

Secundinus-Ancient Roman
Juturna-Roman Mythology
Gisilbert-Ancient Germanic