save face

save face

to keep your reputation and the respect of other people The school board needs to reach an agreement that allows both sides to save face.
Opposite of: lose face
See also: face, save

save face

to do something so that people will continue to respect you Are the ministers involved more interested in saving face than telling the truth?
See also: face, save

save face

Avoid humiliation or embarrassment, preserve dignity, as in Rather than fire him outright, they let him save face by accepting his resignation. The phrase, which uses face in the sense of "outward appearances," is modeled on the antonym lose face. [Late 1800s]
See also: face, save

Common Names:

Refilwe-Southern African, Tswana
Jovanka-Serbian, Macedonian
Esthiru-Old Church Slavic
PtahPTAH, PTAHKHEgyptian Mythology