show and tell

show and tell

a session where objects are presented and described. (Essentially a kindergarten or grade school activity, but often used figuratively.) It was a short lecture with lots of show and tell. I can't take another show and tell session.
See also: and, show, tell

show and tell

A public presentation or display, as in It was a terrible bore, what with their show and tell of every last detail about their trip around the world . This expression originated in the 1940s to describe a learning exercise for young children, in which each child in a group brings some object to show the others and talks about it.
See also: and, show, tell

show and tell

n. a session where objects are presented and described. (Essentially a kindergarten or grade school activity.) It was a short lecture with lots of show and tell.
See also: and, show, tell

Common Names:

Mika (2)mee-kahJapanese
Velasco-Medieval Spanish
KendalKEN-dahlEnglish (Modern)
Finola-Irish, Scottish