square away

square someone away

to get someone or something arranged or properly taken care of. See if you can square Bob away in his new office. When you are squared away, come back and we'll talk.
See also: away, square

square away

Put in order; also, get ready for. For example, Once we've got the files squared away, we can decide on next year's repertory, or She had to square away the house before leaving town. This expression uses square in the sense of "arrange in accordance with some principle," indirectly alluding to the geometric square. [Early 1800s]
See also: away, square

square away

To make someone or something ready; put something in order: I squared away my remaining office work before I went on vacation. Let's square these matters away before we finish the meeting. Our plans should be squared away before they get here.
See also: away, square

Common Names:

Pavle-Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian, Georgian
Nabu-Near Eastern Mythology
Reginere-GEE-nə (German)German, Norwegian
KassiaKA-shəEnglish (Rare)