sugar daddy

sugar daddy

A wealthy, usually older man who gives expensive gifts to someone much younger in return for companionship or sexual favors. For example, The aspiring young actress and the sugar daddy are a classic combination in Hollywood. The sugar in this term alludes to the sweetening role of the gifts, and daddy to the age difference between the pair. [Early 1900s]
See also: daddy, sugar

sugar daddy

n. an older man who takes care of a younger person, especially a young man or woman. Mr. Wilson is sort of a sugar daddy to the whole team.
See also: daddy, sugar

Common Names:

KunibertKOO-nee-bert (German)German, Ancient Germanic
Ruslanroo-SLAHN (Russian)Russian, Tatar, Bashkir, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Ossetian, Cheche
Morcant-Ancient Celtic