tear limb from limb

tear (someone or some animal) limb from limb

to rip someone or an animal to bits. The explosion tore the workers limb from limb. The crocodiles attacked the wading zebras and tore them limb from limb.
See also: limb, tear

tear somebody limb from limb

to attack someone violently I'm sure she'd tear the guy limb from limb for what he's done.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of tear someone limb from limb (to pull someone's arms and legs off)
See also: limb, tear

tear somebody limb from limb

to attack someone violently I'm sure if she got hold of the guy she'd tear him limb from limb.
See also: limb, tear

Common Names:

Rebeccahrə-BEK-əEnglish (Rare)
AliceAL-is (English), a-LEES (French), ah-LEE-che (Italian)English, French, Portuguese, Italian
Hana (3)hah-nahJapanese