tidy up

tidy something up

to clean something up; to make something more orderly. Please tidy this room up. I'll tidy up the kitchen later.
See also: up

tidy up

to clean up [oneself or a place]. Please tidy up. This place is a mess. Please tidy up. You are a mess.
See also: up

tidy up

1. To put something in order; clean something: We should tidy up the house. We need to tidy this report up before we can submit it.
2. To make things orderly and neat in appearance or procedure: We should tidy up before the guests arrive. I need to tidy up; my hair is a mess.
See also: up

Common Names:

Kynaston-English (Rare)
Amosis-Ancient Egyptian (Hellenized)
ChristianKRIS-chən (English), KRISH-chən (English), krees-TYAWN (French), KRIS-tee-ahn (German, Swedish)English, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Hamilcarhə-MIL-kahr (English), HAM-il-kahr (English)Ancient Near Eastern (Latinized), History