till the cows come home

till the cows come home

Also, when the cows come home. For a long time, as in You can keep asking till the cows come home, but you still may not go bungee-jumping. This term alludes to when the cows return to the barn for milking. [Late 1500s]
See also: come, cow, home, till

till the cows come home

For a very long time; indefinitely: They could argue till the cows come home and still not reach an agreement.
See also: come, cow, home, till

Common Names:

GwendaGWEN-də (English)Welsh, English
Joannejo-AN (English), zho-AN (French)English, French
Isa (3)-Frisian, Ancient Germanic
Simone (1)see-MON (French)French, English
Kleopas-Biblical Greek