time is ripe

time is ripe

Prov. It is the most favorable time to do something. You ought to buy a house this year. Prices are so low, and you have enough money saved for a down payment. The time is ripe. Since Joe was in a good mood, I judged that the time was ripe to ask him for the favor I needed.
See also: ripe, time

time is ripe

This is the right moment for something, as in The time is ripe for a revival of that play. Shakespeare used this term (and may have originated it) in 1 Henry IV (1:3): "Letters shall direct your course when time is ripe."
See also: ripe, time

Common Names:

RoystonROIS-tənEnglish (Rare)
Baruchbə-ROOK (English), BER-ook (English), BAR-ook (English), BAHR-ook (English)Biblical, Hebrew
Virgilius-Late Roman
Gamila-Arabic (Egyptian)