up the ante

up the ante

 and raise the ante 
1. Fig. to raise the opening stakes in a betting game. Pete upped the ante on that the poker game to $100 per hand. Don't up the ante any more. You're betting far too much money already.
2. Fig. to increase a price. (Fig. on {2}.) Sensing how keen the people looking at the house were, Jerry upped the ante another $5,000. "Don't try to up the ante on us," said the man, "We know what the asking price is."
See also: ante, up

up the ante

also raise the ante
1. to raise the cost or risk of an activity By adding new inspectors, the customs service is upping the ante for smugglers.
2. to increase the quality of something Foxx says he intends to up the ante in nightclub entertainment by introducing new, extremely talented performers.
Related vocabulary: raise the stakes
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of up the ante (to increase the amount of money each person must risk in a card game or other activity involving the risk of losing money)
See also: ante, up

Common Names:

Rio (2)ṙee-oJapanese
A&Eth;AlbjÖRg-Icelandic, Ancient Scandinavian
RowanRO-ən (English)Irish, English (Modern)