with a fine-tooth comb

with a fine-tooth comb

if you examine something with a fine-tooth comb, you examine every part of it very carefully I'd advise you to examine your insurance policy with a fine-tooth comb to make sure you're covered if you take your car abroad.
See also: comb

Common Names:

NjÖR&Eth;R-Norse Mythology
Fortunato-Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Beatricebe-ah-TREE-che (Italian), BEE-ə-tris (English), BEE-tris (English), BE-ah-trees (Swedish), be-ah-TREES (Swedish)Italian, English, Swedish
Eustaquioe-oo-STAH-kyo (Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese
Dijanadee-YAH-nah (Croatian), DEE-yah-nah (Croatian)Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian