worse for wear

worse for wear

1. Euph. intoxicated. You were the worse for wear last night. The three came stumbling in, the worse for wear again.
2. damaged or worn through use. Eventually, every machine becomes worse for wear, you know. The truth is it's the worse for wear; you will just have to get a new one.
3. injured. Tom fell into the street and he's much the worse for wear. Fred had a little accident with his bike and he's the worse for wear.
See also: wear, worse

worse for wear

Also, the worse for the wear. In poor physical condition owing to long use; also, drunk. For example, This television set is really worse for the wear; we'll have to replace it, or He'd better not drive home; he's definitely the worse for the wear. [c. a.d. 1000] For an antonym, see none the worse for.
See also: wear, worse

Common Names:

Jana (1)YAH-nah (Dutch, German)Czech, Slovak, Dutch, German, Slovene, Catalan
ParthalÁNPAHR-ha-lawnIrish Mythology