zero out

zero out

1. To reset something, such as a counter or clock, to zero: The timekeeper forgot to zero out the stopwatch in between sprints. I zeroed the odometer out and measured the length of the road.
2. To reduce some quantity to zero: This final payment will zero out your balance on the loan. I called the bank and zeroed out my account.
3. To cut off the funding for something, such as a government program: The new administration is planning to zero out subsidies and benefits for illegal aliens. Our social assistance program had funding until the government zeroed it out of the budget.
See also: out, zero

Common Names:

Lagina-African American (Rare)
Shams Al-Din-Arabic
Zakkai-Biblical Hebrew
Denisede-NEEZ (French), də-NEES (English), də-NEE-sə (Dutch)French, English, Dutch