Abbreviation Definition
SPAMStuff Posed As Meat
SPAMStuff Posing As Meat
SPAMStupid Person Advertising Method
SPAMStupid Pointless Annoying Messages
SPAMSudden Privacy Abandonment Method
SPANSouthern Purist Against Nonsense
SPAOSome Place Around Ohio
SPATSingle Parents Are Terrific
SPBSarong Party Boys
SPBScandinavian Plow Boy
SPCSamurai Pizza Cats
SPCAShoveling Pigeon Carcass All
SPCUSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Unicorns
SPDGMBSome People Don't Get many 'Bravos'
SPECIALStrength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility Luck
SPENCERSpecial People Entered No Competitions Extra Retard
SPEWSociety for Protection of Elvish Welfare
SPFSerious Pennsy Fan
SPFSizzle People Fast
SPGSarong Party Girls

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