Abbreviation Definition
CBHthe Center for Biotechnology and Heredity
CBISCenter for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies
CBODCarbonaceous Biological Oxygen Demand
CBRDCentre for Biotechnology Research and Development
CCEBChemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
CCOBCenter for Cell and Organ Biotechnology
CEBCenter for Environmental Biotechnology
CEEBCombined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology
CERControlled Environment Room
CIBHCuba Institute Biotechnology and Heredity
CMBCenter for Molecular Biotechnology
CNBGChina National Biotech Group
CRBCross Road Biotech
CRBBCentre for Research in Biopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
CRBIDCapital Region Biotechnology Innovation Day
CSTCommitee for Science and Technology
CTACystine Trypticase Agar
DBRCDoppler Broadening Rejection Correction
DGEBDepartment of Genetic Engineering and Bio-Technology

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