Abbreviation Definition
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAnimals be crazy dogs eating fish gut. Hamilton in like monkeys noon O P queen Robert snake
ABECAnimal Behavior Ecology and Conservation
AEDAtlantic Ecology Division
AERMApplied Ecology and Resource Management
AFEAssociation for Fire Ecology
ALUSAlternative Land Use Services
AMERGAquatic Microbial Ecology Research Group
APESAdvanced Placement Environmental Sciences
APIESAfrican Primate Initiative for Ecology and Speciation
APOGAcademic Professionals in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
ASAEAmerican Society for Acoustic Ecology
BAEPBlack Art Ecology of Portland
BBCBalanced Biological Communities
BEEBalanced Economy and Ecology
BEEESBehaviour Ecology Environment and Evolution Seminar
BEETLEBiological and Environmental Evaluation Tools for Landscape Ecology
BEFFBest Ecology Film Festival
BEMSBenthic Ecology Meeting Society
BESGBird Ecology Study Group
BEWMBehavioural Ecology and Wildlife Management

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