Abbreviation Definition
sicthus, as written
SLISalt Lake Institute of Genealogy
SLIGSalt Lake Institute of Genealogy
SoGSociety of Genealogists
spsine prole (without children)
sp.blspecial bail
sp.implspecial imparlance
SPFSine Prole Femina
spfsine prole femina (without daughters)
SPIMPLSPecial IMParLance
SPLSine Prole Legitima
splsine prole legitima (without legitimate issue)
SPMSine Prole Mascula
spmsine prole mascula (without sons)
SPMSSine Prole Mascila Superstite
spmssine prole mascila superstite (without surviving sons)
SPSSine Prole Superstite
SPSSine Prole Superstite (without surviving issue)

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