Abbreviation Definition
ARRMAsteroid Redirect Robotic Mission
ARRMAsteroid Robotic Redirect Mission
ARRSAutonomous Robotic Refueling System
ARTHURArtificial Robotic Teenager Hippopotamus Umbrella Rainbow
ARTHURAutomated Robotic Teenager Hippopotamus Umbrella Rainbow
ASTROAutonomous Space Transport Robotic Operation
ASTROAutonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations
AVRILAnalogous Variable Robotic Insect Locomotion
BONERBe Ordinary Never Ever Robotic
BRATBipedal Robotic Articulating Transport
BRMLBiomimetic Robotics and Machine Learning
BSRTSBomb Squad Robotic Training Standards
CADETCall Anyone [on] Duty Every TIME
CAIRCentre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
CARDICenter for Automation Robotics and Distributed Intelligence
CARECoordination Action for Robotics in Europe
CARRTCanter for Assistive Rehabilitation and Robotics Technologies
CARRTCenter for Assistive Rehabilitation and Robotics Technologies
CHARLClout Hungry Artificial Robotic Lifeform
CHRPCommon Hardware Robotics Project

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