Abbreviation Definition
FJTFinancial Journalism Training
FLAFinance Leasing Association
FLAMESFinancial Literacy And Money Education by Students
FLAPFinancial Literacy Awareness Program
FLBFinancial Life Balance
FLBFinancial Literacy Bureau
FLBSFinancial Liberalization in Bank Sector
FLCCFinancial Literacy and Credit Counseling
FLDGFinancial Law Discussion Group
FLDPFinance Leadership Development Programs
FLETFinancial Literacy Education Training
FLGFCFlorida Local Government Finance Commission
FLISPFinance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme
FLLIPFinancial Links for Low-Income People
FLMFinance Lendor Market
FLMFinancial Leverage Multiplier
FLOFinancial and Logistic Operator
FLUFinancial Litigation Unit
FLYFinancial Literacy for You
FMAFinancial Market Authority

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