Abbreviation Definition
ACEAfter the Common Era
ACEAlliance for Catholic Education
ACEAviation, Communications, and Evangelism
ACEAAlabama Christian Education Association
ACEMAssociation Of Christian Evangelical Ministries
ACFAlliance Christian Fellowship
ACFAustin Christian Fellowship
ACFIAustin Christian Fellowship of India
ACFOAlexander Christian Foundation of Oregon
ACFPAdore Christ For Peace
ACFSAssumption College For Sisters
ACGRAssociation of Christian Graduate Researchers
ACHFAssociation of Christian Homeschool Families
ACHSArlington Catholic High School
ACICAnglican Communion In Canada
ACIFKApostolic Church International Fellowship of Kenya
ACILAteneo Catechetical Instruction League
ACIMA Course In Miracles
ACIPAnglican Council of Indigenous People
ACITAlhambra Catholic Invitational Tournament

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