Abbreviation | Definition |
ACME | Acme (computer virus), a computer virus which infects Microsoft DOS EXE files |
APPEND | Application File search path |
APPEND | command that enables a user to open files in the specified directory as if they were in the current directory |
ASSIGN | ASSIGN or Re-assign the specified drive |
BACKUP | Back-up files |
BE | Bus Edit |
BREAK | [ON/OFF] watch for a break in execution, or not |
CALC | CALCulator |
CALL | Invoke a Batch file as a subroutine |
CHCP | CHange Code Page |
CHDIR | Change Directory |
CHKDSK | Check Disk |
CLS | CLear the Screen |
CMD | Command |
COLOR | Change the color of the DOS environment |
COMMAND | a Batch command (under DOS 2.0) |
COMP | COMPare Files |
CON | accept CONSOLE (keyboard) output |
COPY | COPY a file |