Abbreviation Definition
CARECareer Average Revalued Earnings
CARECleveland Association of Rescue Employees
CARECompanies As Responsive Employers
CAREERCommunity Action Resource for Education and Employment Readiness
CAREERSChicago Automated Recruiting Evaluation Employment Reporting System
CARESClient Assistance For Reemployment And Economic Support
CARESClient Assistance for Re-employment and Economic Support
CARESCommunity Activities Rehabilitative Employment Services
CASESCenter for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services
CATIECentro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (in Spanish) Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center
CAWCoalition on the Academic Workforce
CBEPCommunity Based Employment Program
CBERACooperative Bank Employee Retirement Association
CBRECentennial Brotherhood of Retail Employees
CCCERAContra Costa County Employees Retirement Association
CCEMConditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works
CCEOCalifornia Center for Employee Ownership
CCEPPCommunity Career and Employment Partnership Project
CCHWCenter for Community Health Workforce
CCWCenter for the Childcare Workforce

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