Abbreviation Definition
BERCBerkeley Energy Resources Collaborative
BERCBiomass Energy Resource Center
BERGBio Energy Research Group
BESABuilding Energy Simulation Analyst
BESLBrooks Energy and Sustainability Lab
BESOBuilding Energy Saving Ordinance
BESSBattery Energy Storage Solutions
BESSBattery Energy Storage System
BESTBalance Energy Stamina Toxin
BETCBusiness Energy Tax Credit
BETMBoston Energy Trading and Marketing
BEVBreakthrough Energy Ventures
BEVRCNSBalancing Equilibrium Vector Ratio of Cosmic Nuclear Stability:- The GOD'S central vector matrix st
BEWHBetter Energy Warmer Homes
BFVEABritish Flower Vibrational Energy Association
BGESBig Guns Energy Services
BHEBig Hug Energy
BHEBlack Hills Energy
BIEEBronx Initiative for Energy and the Environment
BIJLEEBerkeley India Joint Leadership on Energy and the Environment

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