Abbreviation Definition
TEPCITop Echelon Potential Criminal Informant
TFISTheft From Interstate Shipment
TGPTheft of Government Property
TICTICkler dopy of document
TIOTime In Office
TISATest, Inhibit, Squelch, Act
TITTerrorist In Training
TOPCITime on Potential Criminal Informants
TOPRITime on Potential Racial Informants
TOPSITime on Potential Security Informants
TPTampa Field Office
TSCMTechnical Surveillance Counter-Measures
TTSTerrorist Training School
UACBUnless Advised to Contrary by the Bureau
UCRUniform Crime Reports
UFACUnlawful Flight to Avoid Confinement
UFAPUnlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
UFOUnlicensed Female Operative

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