Abbreviation Definition
GRENGrenadier (Infantryman)
HAHauptAmt (Main Office)
HGRHeeresGRuppe (Army Group
HHCHitler's Henchmen Clan
HICOGHigh Commission for Germany
HiwiHilfsWillige (Auxiliary servicemen)
HJHitler Jugend
HSSPFHöhere SchutzStaffel- und Polizeiführer (Higher Chief of SchutzStaffel)
HYMHitler Youth Movement
IDInfanterie-Division (Infantry Division)
INFInfanterie (Infantry)
ISC(WC)International Scientific Commission (War Crimes)
IVMHBPBTANI Very Much Hate Black People Because They Are Nice
JNTJewish Nazi Terrorist
JuPoJulgeolekuPolitsei (Security Police)
KBKriegsBesoldung (Payment of soldier's salary)
KdOKommandeur der Ordnungspolizei (Commander of the Order Police)
KDRKommandeur (Commander)
KdSKommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SicherheitsDienst (Chief of SS and Police)

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