Abbreviation Definition
CMOContract Manufacturing Organizations
CNDCommission on Narcotic Drugs
CNDDCenter for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
COCastor Oil
COCcodein cups
CODASChoronotehraputic Oral Drug Absorption System
CPCCetylPyridinium Chloride
CPEPCalcium for Pre-Eclampsia Prevention
CPOContract Packaging Organizations
CPPCertificate of a Pharmaceutical Product
CRControlled Release
CRAZYRATa person or a thing that is crazy like a sycophant and laughs too much and needs medical help/on cra
CRDACCardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee
CRDDComputational Resource for Drug Discovery
CSDCACouncil of State Drug Court Associations
CSDDCenter for the Study of Drug Development
CSDDSColon specific drug delivery system

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