Abbreviation Definition
PPRPer Patient Request
PPSPostal Prescription Services
PRpegylated interferon and/with weight-based ribavirin
PRper rectum [Lat.] by rectal route
PRACPharmacovigilance Risk Assessement Committee
PRNPro Re Nata - as needed
PRNPro Re Nata (when required)
PRZPrescription Root Zone
PSTACPharmacist Services Technical Advisory Coalition
PTENphosphatqase and tensin homologue
pulv.pulvis - powder
PUVApsoralen and ultraviolet A
PVPer Vaginam (via the vagina)
qquaque - every
Q.1HQuaque 1 Hora (every 1 hour)
Q.4.H.Every Four Hours
q.a.d.quoque alternis die - every other day
q.a.m.quaque die ante meridiem - every day before noon

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