Abbreviation Definition
CHPRCounseling Human Performance and Rehabilitation
CHRRCentre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation
CIMTConstraint Induced Movement Therapy
CIWARClinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale, Revised.
CIWARClinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale, Revised. (More commonly abbreviated CIWA-Ar).
CLRFContingent Liability and Rehabilitation Fund
CLTComplex Lymphatic Therapy
CLTSCombined Life Time Support
CMCCComputer-Mediated Communication Community
CMLRCentre for Mined Land Rehabilitation
CNMRCenter for Neuromuscular and Massage Rehabilitation
CNRTCommunity Neuro Rehabilitation Team
CNRUCross Neurological Rehabilitation Unit
COOPCognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance
COORCenter for Occupational Outpatient Rehabilitation
CORCCommunity Outpatient Rehabilitation Center
CORECombat Officers Rehabilitation Engineering
COREComprehensive Orthopedic Rehabilitation Environment
COREComprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Experts
CORECouncil On Rehabilitation Education

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